GCE BBS Answer v1.00a. Copyright (C) 1990-1996 GCE Software. All Rights Reserved. Written by Chan S. Sam. DISCLAIMER INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ No warranty is provided. The author is NOT responsible for ANY damages that may occur with the use of the program. The program is provided AS-IS and can not be modified in ANY way. The following files should be present for this program to run properly: ANSWER .TXT - This documentation. ANSWER .EXE - The executable itself. INIT .BAT - A BATCH file that the program creates. SAMPLE .BAT - A sample of how this program is setup. FILE_ID.DIZ - File Idenification for BBS'. REGISTRATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Registration allows you to receive updated versions of this program and this is also shown to the end user. Registration fees are $25 dollars payable in United States Funds such as a Money Order. Checks are NOT accepted and Money Orders must be payable to 'Chan Sam'. Fees are subject to change. To register this program send a money order to: Chan Sam 96 School Street Lowell, MA 01854 REQUIREMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Any system with an 80286+ microprocessor. - A FOSSIL driver. - 200K Conventional RAM. SETUP ~~~~~ Make sure ANSWER.CFG does not exist in the current directory and run ANSWER.EXE. A setup system will load up and just enter the appropriate parameters that suits your system. You will need to create a batch file that also suits the needs of your system. A start up batch file needs to be called. After the carrier is detected, the program exits with INIT.BAT which in turn calls BOARD.BAT with the communication settings. The first parameter is the COM port and the second is the BAUD rate. ERROR LEVELS ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 255 - User Exit 254 - Connection 253 - Fatal Error INIT.BAT example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo off BOARD.BAT 2 38400 ^ ^^^^^ | |__________ BAUD RATE |______________ COM PORT SAMPLE.BAT example <--- bat file to call BBS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @echo off :start <--- Start of batch file cd\answer <--- Switch to where the answer stuff is at answer.exe >>boot.txt ^^^^^^^^ |_____________ Directs fatal errors into this file if errorlevel 255 goto user <--- The SysOp exits if errorlevel 254 goto bbs <--- Someone is online if errorlevel 253 goto error <--- Fatal error :error <--- Fatal Error has been reported echo. echo Fatal Error: echo Please review BOOT.TXT. echo. goto end <--- End's it, if there are complications :bbs <--- Carrier is detected call INIT.BAT <--- Load the board or board select utility goto start <--- Go back to beginning of loop :user echo. echo Have a nice day! :) echo. goto end <--- End's it :end <--- End of BATCH